We research markets and help to manage brands
We strive for simplicity while avoiding over-simplification.
Only brands whose message and uniqueness can be communicated in simple ways can grow. That is why simplicity is essential to us.
We are looking for more direct ways to grow through understanding customer culture, everyday life, behaviour and needs.
We achieve simplicity through understanding.
Research in depth.
Analyse in context.
Think strategically.
We search to find sensible and feasible solutions. We never say that something doesn't work.
That is why we link research with consultancy services.
Our long-term experience across Central European markets, sector-based expertise and a portfolio of in-house tools are the resources that we draw on in the process. We continue to develop them.
Strong brands focus on people. So do we.
Simply5 provides an open and inspiring environment for clients, respondents, and colleagues.
This is what we call a learning playground and it includes corporate culture, atmosphere, team, values and relationships which help us do what we love - our business.
We are looking forward to working with you.
Visit us
Simply5 s.r.o.
Korunní 1302/88
101 00
Prague 10-Vinohrady
Czech republic
Nicol Švířová
+420 605 894 600
Jan Al-Amel
+420 605 894 605
Petr Voplatek
+420 605 894 603
Petr Voplatek
+420 605 894 603